white paper

Industrial Drivetrain Simulation: From Gear Layout to NVH Analysis

Reading time: 35 minutes
Industrial driveline simulation: from gear layout to NVH analysis

Predicting and reducing gear whine noise originating from the intermeshing gear is a real challenge for designers. Modeling gear transmissions is laborious and cumbersome: transmission system consists of various components such as gears, shafts and bearings. Capturing all relevant effects (misalignment, gear microgeometry, housing flexibility) adds additional complexity for multi-body analyst. Typically, it takes up to several days for model preparation and simulation of the nonlinear dynamics to obtain system-level loads.

This paper introduces recent innovation in gearbox engineering to compose and simulate transmissions, at any stage of the development, more accurately, and in approximately 1 hour. 

Download this white paper to learn how advanced simulation technique is streamlining the industrial drivetrain design from layout to NVH analysis : 

  • Capture detailed, yet computationally efficient non-linear system dynamics
  • Accurately predict system behavior for NVH, transient, durability and other analyses
  • Increase productivity by choosing from a comprehensive set of contact methods

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