
A designer’s journey from concept to manufacturing

Design to production process

With increased competition and changing consumer demands causing increased complexity, the manufacturing industry is experiencing unprecedented change, driving the need for new engineering and technology. Your expanding business deserves a connected, flexible, and, most importantly, cost-effective design, engineering, and manufacturing process.

In this infographic, learn about the steps from design to simulation to manufacturing, as well as how Siemens Accelerated Engineering can address the massive challenges that designers face, allowing you to create better products faster. View it now!

Design to production process in 4 steps

Learn the designer's journey in four steps, from design to simulation to production, using Siemens Digital Industries Software.

How to evaluate a design

Designs can be validated on the fly with connected manufacturing workflows, product data, and teams with Generative Design, paving the way for rapid production.

What is the design process?

Continuous virtual verification and validation are critical to accelerating the product development process because they improve efficiency through smarter processes. Every step of the design process should include identifying problems and designs that do not meet requirements or compliance. Doing so efficiently identifies issues that can be addressed and eliminated early on, allowing you to provide better products faster.


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