
PCBflow for smarter PCB design handoff

Collaborative cloud-based platform for both designers and manufacturers

Geschätzte Wiedergabezeit: 4 Minuten

As PCB design complexity continues to grow, most PCB designers are focused primarily on functionality requirements and fast time to market. However, they aren’t always aware of manufacturability requirements. As a result, multiple iterations and corrections are needed when the design reaches the manufacturer to ensure that the design can be successfully manufactured by a given supplier.

In most cases, the errors are only discovered late in the process, during production, which leads to a loss of engineering hours and SMT downtime. The responsibility- and the cost - for fixing technical queries falls on the manufacturers.

To increase profitability, manufacturers need to be able to address new projects faster. It’s all about addressing your customers’ requests quickly and professionally, with minimal corrections.

PCBflow is a trusted collaborative cloud-based platform for both designers and manufacturers. It streamlines communication and makes it easy to conduct an automated, comprehensive DFM analysis based on specific, real-time manufacturing constraints.

With PCBflow, you can move quickly to your next project, with the full confidence that the previous one will not require additional time.


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