
STMicroelectronics 藉由 High-Level Synthesis 得以迅速向市場推出汽車影像訊號處理產品

STMicroelectronics 藉由 High-Level Synthesis 得以迅速向市場推出汽車影像訊號處理產品

STMicroelectronics 影像部門負責為消費、工業、安全和汽車巿場提供創新的影像技術和產品。該團隊已建立了獨特的 High-Level Synthesis (HLS) 流程,並藉由範本而得以迅速向市場推出這些產品。在汽車巿場方面,此流程遵循ISO 26262 標準,因此能確保可靠性。本白皮書內容涵蓋了團隊如何使用其 HLS 流程來設計和驗證影像訊號處理 (ISP) 裝置,從而將其上巿時間縮至最短。



Infineon: HLS Formal Verification Flow Using Siemens Formal Verification

Infineon: HLS Formal Verification Flow Using Siemens Formal Verification

High-Level Synthesis (HLS) is design flow in which design intent is described at a higher level of abstraction such as SystemC/C++/Matlab/etc.

Infineon & Coseda: Facelifting a SystemC System Level Model Towards Physical Prototype – Adoption of High-Level-Synthesis

Infineon & Coseda: Facelifting a SystemC System Level Model Towards Physical Prototype – Adoption of High-Level-Synthesis

Infineon & Coseda present on the adoption of High-Level-Synthesis at an existing SystemC system level model.

CEA: Bridging the Gap Between Neural Network Exploration and Hardware Implementation

CEA: Bridging the Gap Between Neural Network Exploration and Hardware Implementation

CEA presents a methodology that bridges the open-source DL framework N2D2 and Catapult HLS to help reducing the design process of hardware accelerators, making it possible to keep pace with new AI algorithms.

High-Level Synthesis & Advanced RTL Power Optimization – Are you still missing out?

High-Level Synthesis & Advanced RTL Power Optimization – Are you still missing out?

Discover how C++ & SystemC/MatchLib HLS is more than just converting SystemC to RTL. In the RTL Design space, we will cover our technology for Power Optimization with PowerPro Designer & Optimizer.

Alibaba: Innovating Agile Hardware Development with Catapult HLS

Alibaba: Innovating Agile Hardware Development with Catapult HLS

At the IP level, an ISP was created within a year using Catapult, a task impossible using traditional RTL. To reduce dependency on designer experience, Alibaba introduced an AI-assisted DSE tool.