With years of experience understanding key industry requirements, Siemens Digital Industries solutions help companies quickly realize value in products and processes.
STMicroelectronics 影像部門負責為消費、工業、安全和汽車巿場提供創新的影像技術和產品。該團隊已建立了獨特的 High-Level Synthesis (HLS) 流程,並藉由範本而得以迅速向市場推出這些產品。在汽車巿場方面,此流程遵循ISO 26262 標準,因此能確保可靠性。本白皮書內容涵蓋了團隊如何使用其 HLS 流程來設計和驗證影像訊號處理 (ISP) 裝置,從而將其上巿時間縮至最短。
Siemens leading FMEA tool enables advanced, upfront quality planning & risk management to avoid defects prior to production in manufacturing, saving time and costs.