PCB 設計師在進行軟板或軟硬結合板設計時面臨許多挑戰,而每一項挑戰都可能使專案偏離軌道,並導致設計失敗,付出高昂代價。為了應對這些挑戰並推動專案獲得成功,設計師必須依靠他們個人的技能和經驗,乃因傳統 PCB 設計工具在避免軟硬結合板設計的缺陷上,並無太大幫助。然而,如今軟板和軟硬結合板設計變得越來越複雜,所以現代設計工具務必瞭解軟硬結合板獨特的設計構造和規則。
Xpedition® 提供成功完成軟板和軟硬結合板設計和訊號完整性分析所需的一切工具,可引導設計師穿越挑戰的雷區,向第一次設計即成功的目標邁進。
Flex-rigid PCB design challenges
- Multiple board outlines, each with separate layer stack-ups
- Special layer stack-up constructs that are unique to flex
- Special layer types, such as Adhesive, Cover layer, and Stiffener
- Bending and folding of the assembly
- The 3D aspect of the folded assembly
- The need to route along curving boards without causing reliability issues due to metal stress
- Plane and shape fills that conform to flex requirements
- Design Rule Checking (DRC) that understands specific flex-rigid rules
- Signal and Power integrity of a multi stack-up board
- Flex fabrication output that safely conveys design intent to FAB
How Xpedition solves the problems
Xpedition gives you the solution that:
- makes it easy to set up simple and complex flex and flex-rigid designs
- it's safe and easy to implement changes to stack-up and outlines
- supports true 3D design and verification
- delivers robust non-ambiguous fabrication output
Learn more about Rigid-flex PCB design.