
Bosch Visiontec 藉由 Catapult HLS 平台而得以迅速向市場推出嶄新的車用 IP

BOSCH Visiontec 團隊致力於創新輔助駕駛和自動駕駛技術。此團隊開發出最為先進的 IP 和 IC,其中包含了高效能處理器,能夠實現演算法以辨識來自汽車攝影機的影像。他們身負重任,在不到一年內打造數個嶄新設計,以實現數學密集型演算法。這些設計規格會在整個設計週期期間不斷變化與更動。而且,團隊無法在此種瞬息萬變的環境中手動撰寫 RTL 程式碼以及驗證這些設計。因此,他們決定提升至 C++ 層級,並採用 Siemens Digital Industries Software 所推出的 Catapult High-Level Synthesis (HLS) 平台和 PowerPro 解決方案。本文介紹了 BOSCH Visiontec 設計團隊如何成功地在時程之內達成推出嶄新設計的挑戰。



Aircraft structural design and analysis

Aircraft structural design and analysis

Learn how an integrated aircraft structural design and analysis process can help reduce certification and development time and cost overruns.

Digital image correlation for aircraft materials and structural testing

Digital image correlation for aircraft materials and structural testing

Watch this webinar on aircraft materials and structural testing to learn how digital image correlation alleviates limitations and offers new insights.