
Intuitive next generation electronic systems design

Remove the barriers of complexity

預計觀看時間:1 minutes

The next generation electronic system design platform from Siemens has a totally new user experience that's unified across our entire portfolio and targeted at creating a new level of efficiency in electronic design tools.

Lowered learning curve

This intuitive user experience lowers the learning curve for users to become productive, removes barriers to adoption and creates a sense of positivity in how users can operate the tools.

Real beta customer feedback:

  • “Was able to figure things out before reading instructions”
  • “Just looking at it makes you want to use the tool more”

To tour the new user experience please watch this demo video.

To learn more about the next generation of electronic systems design watch this presentation.



Calibre nmLVS-Recon 技術加速產品上市時間
Technical Paper

Calibre nmLVS-Recon 技術加速產品上市時間

Calibre nmLVS-Recon 工具可讓設計團隊快速地檢視有大量瑕疵且不成熟的設計,能更早且更快地找出並修正有重大影響的電路錯誤,從而在整體上縮短晶片製造時程與上市時間。