
MBSE For Dummies video: Part four

預計觀看時間:2 minutes

Model-based systems engineering (MBSE) gets into all of the various domains that collectively create new aerospace and defense products. Driving these domains with an MBSE approach can pull whole programs together and keep everyone connected and informed, as if playing from the same orchestral score.

This video is part four of a five video series about how organizations can use MBSE to innovate successfully. It mirrors chapter four of MBSE For Dummies, Siemens Special Edition.

Chapter four explores how MBSE helps you start integrated and stay integrated – to manage complexity, remove points of friction and bring every part of every system together seamlessly. It details requirements management, system modeling, the key role of software, the critical importance of safety, the need to verify every requirement, the challenge of integrating many operations and the need for up-to-date data.

Watch the video to learn how you can drive all domains effectively with this transformational methodology.

