
訊號完整性分析:現代電子 產品設計的必備功能

Essential For Modern Electronic Product Designs

使用者能輕易偵測、修正和採用最佳的端點接線策略,因為 PADS Professionals SSI Terminator 精靈等功能,會為離散元件、走線幾何形狀和長度,以及驅動器設定,掃描不同的值。

Facts about Signal Integrity

  • PADS PCB signal integrity analysis and validation is powered by HyperLynx technology, renowned for its accuracy and ease of use.
  • The HyperLynx analysis environment is tightly integrated with schematic and layout, simplifying signal integrity analysis and not a 3rd-party add-on like most PCB design tools.
  • Using signal integrity analysis reduces design spins and cuts design costs with the powerful, easy-to-use signal integrity capabilities
  • Virtual prototyping detects and resolves potential signal degradation issues, such as overshoot and undershoot, ringing, and timing problems.
  • HyperLynx signal integrity tools are scalable, easy to adopt and learn, and can be implemented quickly.

    For more information on Signal Integrity Analysis, visit.

