Prepare students—from elementary school through high school—for careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) with a free campus-wide license to Solid Edge Teacher Edition. Combined with access to our best-in-class curriculum resources, you have everything you need to engage your class, homeschool group or club in STEM learning. Solid Edge is easy-to-learn and easy-to-use, and comes with a range of tutorials and projects, developed by teachers like you and suitable for learners at all levels.
免費存取主旨式教學或作業式教學,完成以工程為主的課程作業和 STEM 項目課程以及互動式學習資源。學習材質可提供給學生進行自主學習,也可在課堂上教授。學生還可獲得 Solid Edge 認證,這在求職時非常具有競爭優勢。
存取我們的線上 Solid Edge 使用者社區,其中包括專門面向學生的論壇。通過學習 Solid Edge,學生還有機會參與各種專案和競賽,包括 Greenpower Challenge 和 Siemens Digital Industries Software Student Design Contest。
如果您是學生,請下載 Solid Edge 學生版。
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Mike Evans,设计和制图讲师
Huntsville Center of Technology