

Simcenter 3D 声学

Siemens Digital Industries Software 公司的 Simcenter™ 3D 软件声学模块囊括两项重要创新技术:自适应高阶有限元方法 (FEMAO) 和自动匹配层 (AML),它们在简化建模的同时解决了波传播问题并加快了振动声学仿真。借助这两项技术,声学仿真专家和普通有限元 (FE) 分析师能够轻松模拟宽频振动声学问题。

Innovative acoustic modeling technology

Finite element method with adaptive order (FEMAO) and automatically matched layer (AML) are acoustic modeling technologies that help eliminate the complexity of solving broadband vibro-acoustic problems. FEMAO uses a high-order FEM method in conjunction with a priori error indicator. AML is a flexible and efficient wave-absorbing method for free-field exterior acoustic applications. Both help eliminate the key mesh-based disadvantages of standard FEM.

Acoustic scattering of a submarine

Unsure about these innovative acoustic modeling technologies? The white paper goes through two examples to demonstrate their computational efficiency and accuracy. The first looks at the acoustic scattering of a submarine. The full details are outlined in the white paper.

Pass-by noise simulations

The second example using these acoustic modeling technologies involves an automotive pass-by noise simulation. Automotive pass-by noise is subject to a new regulation that will impact the vehicle development process, making technologies like FEMAO and AML important.

Download the white paper to get all the details on how FEMAO and AML help simplify and speed up your marine design process.

