使用柔性板或刚柔结合板技术的 PCB 设计人员面临诸多挑战,其中每一项挑战都有可能导致项目脱离轨道,造成代价高昂的设计失败。为了应对这些挑战并促使项目取得成功,设计人员不得不依靠自己的个人技能和经验,因为传统的 PCB 设计工具无法提供足够的支持,助其避开刚柔结合板设计领域的陷阱。
Xpedition® 通过提供成功完成柔性板和刚柔结合板设计及信号完整性分析所需的全部工具,指导设计人员穿越遍布挑战的设计雷区,真正实现一次设计成功。
Flex-rigid PCB design challenges
- Multiple board outlines, each with separate layer stack-ups
- Special layer stack-up constructs that are unique to flex
- Special layer types, such as Adhesive, Cover layer, and Stiffener
- Bending and folding of the assembly
- The 3D aspect of the folded assembly
- The need to route along curving boards without causing reliability issues due to metal stress
- Plane and shape fills that conform to flex requirements
- Design Rule Checking (DRC) that understands specific flex-rigid rules
- Signal and Power integrity of a multi stack-up board
- Flex fabrication output that safely conveys design intent to FAB
How Xpedition solves the problems
Xpedition gives you the solution that:
- makes it easy to set up simple and complex flex and flex-rigid designs
- it's safe and easy to implement changes to stack-up and outlines
- supports true 3D design and verification
- delivers robust non-ambiguous fabrication output
Learn more about Rigid-flex PCB design.