
Wiring and harness design with Capital Essentials

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As a suite of wiring and harness design software tools, Capital Essentials satisfies the demanding requirements of companies where ease-of-use and value are as important as functionality. It is fully optimized for rapid deployment and a low IT footprint. Users have achieved dramatic ROI using powerful yet intuitive functionality.

The advantage of a rich, interactive design environment

The tools can be used individually or deployed together allowing wiring design data to flow seamlessly into the associated harness designs reducing effort and minimizing the risk of errors.

Benefits include:

  • Rapid, right-first-time, error-free electrical and harness design
  • Automated harness engineering for creation of production-ready drawings, BOMs, costings, NC files, and manufacturing reports
  • Easily deployed into existing process/environment
  • ntegration with 3D CAD systems
  • Intuitive interface designed by engineers, for engineers
  • Full data compatibility with companies using Capital



Solution Brief



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