
Use Simcenter SCADAS Mobile and Simcenter Testlab to enhance vibration qualification testing

Leverage streamlined and highly efficient product certification procedures.

Engineering using Simcenter software on a laptop connected with SCADAS hardware device.

Vibration qualification testing helps engineers certify and qualify products for survivability. The Simcenter software vibration qualification testing solution provides accurate closed-loop shaker control for standard sine, random and shock excitation.

Read our solution brief to learn more.



2030 年的船舶行业:打造智能船舶
Analyst Report

2030 年的船舶行业:打造智能船舶

船舶分析和船舶 IoT 正在为船舶制造商创造无限的可能性。了解智能船舶如何帮助如今充满不确定性的航运经济引航指路。

2030 年的船舶行业:船舶数字化劳动力
Analyst Report

2030 年的船舶行业:船舶数字化劳动力


2030 年的船舶行业:从螺旋模型到 V 模型
Analyst Report

2030 年的船舶行业:从螺旋模型到 V 模型

从船舶设计螺旋模型到 V 模型,船舶设计流程需要不断演进,从而推动船舶行业创新。阅读本篇分析报告,了解更多信息。