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Tessent YieldInsight

Diagnosis-driven yield analysis

When a new manufacturing process is introduced, or a new product is introduced on a mature manufacturing process, yields will tend to be significantly lower than acceptable. Feature-related systematic defects are slowing yield ramp, putting a crunch on time to volume —and maintaining expected yield is more difficult, putting added pressure on profitability. Not only are more devices failing because of hidden systematic defects, but increased sensitivity to manufacturing variability is resulting in functional and parametric yield loss. In order to keep pace, manufacturing test and yield analysis processes must adapt.

Not only are more devices failing because of hidden systematic defects, but increased sensitivity to manufacturing variability is resulting in functional and parametric yield loss. In order to keep pace, manufacturing test and yield analysis processes must adapt.

Tessent® YieldInsight® is a specialized tool for understanding and identifying yield loss from scan test data and making volume diagnosis results actionable.
