
Introduction to Digital Transformation

Teach Introduction to Digital Transformation in your classroom

This course focuses on how technology can be used as a competitive advantage in today’s business environment. First, current trends in computing, visual, connectivity and artificial intelligence are outlined with an emphasis on their impact to businesses. Next, we look at digital tools for design, manufacturing, and usage of products. Finally, we look at the applications of these technologies and digital tools across eight key industries. Upon completion of this course, your students will be able to:

  • Summarize digital transformation - what, how and why
  • Outline important technical trends within today’s economy
  • Identify digital tools that can be applied to transform business processes
  • Apply digital transformation to a variety of industries



Teamcenter 与 SolidWorks 集成 – Bladon Micro Turbine 通往 PLM 的捷径

Teamcenter 与 SolidWorks 集成 – Bladon Micro Turbine 通往 PLM 的捷径

Bladon Micro Turbine 通过杰出的产品生命周期管理软件 Teamcenter 进行 SolidWorks 数据和流程管理

利用 Teamcenter 释放虚拟现实和 PLM 的无限潜力

利用 Teamcenter 释放虚拟现实和 PLM 的无限潜力

利用 Teamcenter 释放虚拟现实和 PLM 的无限潜力