
2030 年的船舶行业:引领数字化船队



利用数字化船队来优化您的船队运营并为 2030 年做好准备!

关于“2030 年的船舶行业”思想领导力系列

2030 年的船舶行业将是什么样子?我们邀请了来自 Schnitger Corporation 的船舶设计师兼首席分析师莫尼卡·施尼特格尔 (Monica Schnitger) 为我们答疑解惑。答案由六篇简报构成,每篇都从不同的角度来介绍航运业的未来发展。本篇简报聚焦于船舶行业现今所面临的重大挑战之一:引领数字化船队。


Digital fleet smart technology

Innovation in the marine industry occurs at every level from design through operation. Smart technology for your digital fleet allows one to predict and analyze all vessel behavior in confidence. Benefits of fleet management software are analyzed in this report from an industry expert, read more!

Vessel management system

Apply this vessel management system across an entire fleet to position ships where they need to be. Maximize utilization, minimize costs, manage crew levels and optimize the system as a whole. Prepare for the future of the marine industry by advancing your vessel operations, learn more from an industry expert!

关于“2030 年的船舶行业”思想领导力系列

2030 年的船舶行业将是什么样子?我们邀请了来自 Schnitger Corporation 的船舶设计师兼首席分析师莫尼卡·施尼特格尔 (Monica Schnitger) 为我们答疑解惑。答案由六篇简报构成,每篇都从不同的角度来介绍航运业的未来发展。本篇简报聚焦于船舶行业现今所面临的重大挑战之一:航运可持续发展。

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