White Paper

Applying an architecture-driven approach to onboard software design

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Transform embedded software development through architecture-driven model-based software engineering.

Are you struggling with increasing onboard software volume and quality, a large number of variants and time-to-market pressure? This paper reviews market trends that transform embedded software development in the automotive industry from an activity owned mostly by suppliers to a shared responsibility between original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and suppliers.

Architecture-driven design

This digital transformation requires different processes and dedicated process support tooling for the onboard software sector in the automotive and other industries. Driving supplier-based implementation, integration, verification and validation from semantically rich architecture enables manufacturers to rapidly deliver high-volume, variant-rich and high-quality onboard software. This paper discusses two typical development scenarios covering both C legacy-intense situations and model-based development situations. Capital supports the digital transformation of onboard software design organizations with its software architecture backbone and integration, verification and validation capabilities, leveraging the functionality of Simcenter system simulation solutions and Polarion ALM.


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