
Optimization of an offshore tension leg platform design

The offshore platform is powered by burning some of the gases it produces

Offshore platform orientation is a design aspect in the Oil and Gas industry that plays a significant role in the inherently safe design process. With most tension leg platforms (TLPs) being geographically remote, costing upwards of $3.5 billion and containing a multitude of operational hazards, it is crucial to minimize the risks to people and assets. However, the placement and orientation of these valuable assets is usually made based on rules of thumb and past experiences- which can cause safety and operational issues that are costly.

In this success story, you will learn how CFD analysis and Design Space Exploration helped to determine the optimum orientation of the platform, and how they can be used to achieve an inherently safe tension leg platform design.

Discover the value of automated design space exploration for solving a broad range of standard engineering problems.


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