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Reducing verification and validation challenges in aerospace

A progressive approach to program management for effective aerospace product development

A graphic of maintenance being conducted on a commercial aircraft

On its face, aerospace and defense (A&D) program management is a difficult, time-consuming and expensive process. Add onto that difficulty strict budgets, strict deadlines and rapidly evolving technology, and the pressure has never been higher.

Speaking specifically to verification and validation (V&V), the ability to stay within deadline and budget is a daunting task, exacerbated by the widespread usage of antiquated processes and systems that many A&D companies still rely on.

Get this report from Lifecycle Insights to hear from A&D professionals about what V&V issues they experience. Plus see how Lifecycle Insights suggests that these program managers, chief engineers and certification managers can fix them.

Aerospace digital thread

At the heart of many of the issues that aerospace professionals face are obsolete data management tools.

Companies are still operating with disconnected data that requires manual transferring. This can lead to incorrect or outdated data being passed through the production lifecycle. Teams later in the cycle are either catching or making mistakes because of this inaccurate or time-consuming data-passing.

By adopting a progressive approach to program management with an aerospace digital thread, companies can achieve greater accuracy and faster time-to-market because the digital thread creates a single source of truth. They can achieve fewer deadline-busting disruptions and expensive mistakes because the digital thread ensures that all recent and reliable information is easily accessible in one place.

Aerospace digital twin

Using a progressive approach to program management with a digital twin can limit mistakes by improving visibility and communication. A digital twin limits disruptions because engineers can make more informed decisions based on real-time data from 3D models and simulation studies. These centralized, real-time functionalities allow mistakes to be caught sooner and changes to be communicated efficiently.

Download the report for a complete look at the most common issues aerospace professionals are experiencing within their V&V work. Also, find out how a progressive approach to program management powered by a digital thread and digital twin can solve those collaboration and visibility problems.


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