
AWS Cloud and Siemens EDA streamline your migration to the Cloud for AMS, DVT and Calibre

예상 소요 시간: 25분

The virtually infinite capacity of the cloud offers the opportunity and flexibility to dramatically accelerate your time to tapeout compared to relying solely on overtaxed on-premises data center resources. Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Siemens have collaborated to help customers use optimized Cloud Flight Plans to easily deploy and run Siemens EDA workflows on the AWS cloud. Learn more about the performance you can achieve and time you can save using the AWS cloud for some of your most compute-intensive EDA workflows.

Cloud computing with AWS and Siemens EDA

The strategic partnership between Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Siemens provides jointly engineered cloud solutions in the form of Cloud Flight Plans that enable mutual customers to quickly ramp up and start running EDA jobs on the cloud. User-friendly guides direct customers through all phases of cloud installation and operations to achieve maximum performance quickly. Cloud computing can help design companies innovate faster and collaborate more easily while reducing risk and cost in a sustainable, energy-efficient infrastructure. Siemens EDA offers design companies a wide range of cloud offerings to suit business needs and budgets. With the flexibility to make resource vs. schedule decisions, companies can accelerate design closure to shorten overall cycle time, or perform additional iterations and/or analysis, as needed.


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