
Using Simcenter to test the thermal performance of electronics

Performing nondestructive thermal characterization, reliability and quality testing from design to manufacturing

Engineer performing a thermal test of an electronic component using Simcenter hardware and software.

In today’s technological landscape, electronic components, designs and packages are becoming increasingly complex and compact. According to a study by the U.S. Air Force Avionics Integrity Program, over 50 percent of electronics failures are the result of high temperatures. As a result, electronics manufacturers face challenges in developing more accurate and efficient thermal designs, conducting detailed thermal performance validations and gaining a better understanding of the thermal behavior and lifetime reliability of new designs and materials. However, accurately simulating the internal thermal structure and the behavior of

new designs remains a complex task.

Simcenter for testing thermal performance of electronics

Simcenter™ hardware and software plays a vital role in measuring the thermal metrics and performance of electronic components under static and dynamic conditions. Read this solution to read details on how Simcenter can help you efficiently gain a detailed understanding of the heat flow path and internal mechanisms of electronic components so you can predict time to failure, identify degradation and damage mechanisms, perform root cause analyses and more.


관련 자료

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기계 가공업체의 경영진을 위한 디지털 제조 가이드

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통합 프로젝트 관리 솔루션으로 미용 및 화장품 제조 혁신

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