The Questa Equivalent FPGA retargeting solution allows system designs residing on obsolete field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) to be retargeted onto newer technologies, extending the life of these designs while also taking advantage of the latest safety, security, and power saving features newer FPGAs provide.
The paper shares step-by-step descriptions of multiple retargeting methods tailored to various use cases:
In addition to proving the obsolete netlist against the new netlist, Questa Equivalent FPGA can prove the functional equivalence of the RTL to the obsolete netlist.
Using a new flow-settings command and formal models prepared for obsolete and new devices, Questa Equivalent FPGA can prove the equivalence of the obsolete netlist versus the new netlist synthesized using the RTL.
After proving equivalence of RTL versus the new netlist, the Questa Equivalent
FPGA new flow-settings command can be used to prove the equivalence of the RTL with obsolete IPs versus the obsolete netlist.