
Reduce time to market by using digital gas turbine testing methods

B&B-AGEMA use connected gas turbine simulation tools to create and run a digital test rig. Their approach builds up a model of the complete machine in a virtual environment. This means they can simulate, analyze and understand performance over all possible operating conditions, before building the machine. This approach reduces much of the expensive and time-consuming physical gas turbine testing and replaces it with rapid digital testing via simulation.

Meet design targets faster with gas turbine simulation

Gas turbines are still the backbone of energy generation networks. But changing usage patterns mean they must operate reliably over many start-stop cycles. At the same time turbines must operate more efficiently than ever. Manufacturers are using gas turbine simulation throughout the development of the next generation of machines, to predict performance throughout the design phase. But the industry still also relies on physical gas turbine testing. Prototype machines are expensive to build while testing cycles add extra time to the design process.

Integrate all data points in this gas turbine simulation software

Our solutions provide a flexible, open and scalable portfolio of simulation tools, designed to work together and provide you with insight into the real-world performance of the turbine. By combining parameterized CAD data with CFD or FEA simulations you can run automated design explorations to investigate alternatives and find the best solution for your design targets. Have confidence in your final design before moving to gas turbine testing, and reduce the cost of multiple design loops.

This integrated approach to gas turbine simulation gives you increased insight into turbine performance. You can investigate blade aerodynamics and cooling, fuel combustion and flame patterns, combustor and burner thermal stress, and much more, all in one software package.

