
Calibre PERC ESD flow and interactive usage for IP design

視聴時間の目安34 分
Title slide for Intel's presentation at U2U 2024.

In this presentation from U2U North America 2024, Bryant Alvarez, Senior Physical Design Engineer at Intel, ​describes a shift-left methodology to optimize and verify electrostatic discharge (ESD) much earlier in the design cycle and speed up Calibre PERC ESD checks for IPs. Alvarez also shows how scalar methodologies and MTFLEX enablement in IP development allow optimization and verification with faster run times. Finally, Alvarez discusses the challenges and the methodology followed to verify and certify the ESD target for IP design and the Calibre PERC ESD flows (Topology, LDL, P2P, and CD) configuration needed for ESD verification in a foundry design.



航空機の効率的な地上振動試験 (GVT) によって耐空証明の取得を加速させる
White Paper

航空機の効率的な地上振動試験 (GVT) によって耐空証明の取得を加速させる

Simcenterで耐空証明の取得を加速させる – 航空機の効率的な地上振動試験 (GVT) を実施する方法とは



ウェビナー - GVT/フラッター認証のプロセスを合理化して、より速く、より安全な初飛行を実現

Accelerate ground vibration tests and increase efficiency in the aircraft certification process

Accelerate ground vibration tests and increase efficiency in the aircraft certification process

Performing a ground vibration test more efficiently. Learn how to increase efficiency in identifying modal parameters of large vibrating structures.