
Smart data-driven PCB manufacturing turns a vast amount of information into applicable insight

Tempo di visione stimato: 2 minuti

Over the years, the amount of data produced during manufacturing has grown significantly. However, the complicated process of centrally storing, converting and entering it into a database to be later processed and used makes the finished data obsolete. PCB manufacturing requires an intelligent means of collecting, analyzing and acting on data immediately.

A smart data solution, like Opcenter Intelligence Electronics gives manufacturers the ability to, expeditiously and inexpensively, produce a high-quality product that exceeds customer expectations.

Watch the video to learn more.

Smart data brings traceability to every nook and cranny of manufacturing

Traceability uncovers discrepancies, ascertains the issues, routs backups, predicts future hindrances and moderates material usage. It acts as a roadmap, observing different aspects of a manufacturer to provide informative, constructive data in real-time: material, quality, traceability, process, test results, environmental sensors and machine status.

Watch this short video to learn more about smart data, Opcenter Intelligence Electronics.

Understand the what, why and how of manufacturing using smart data

Visibility equips manufacturers with insight into what is happening, why it is happening, and how it can be solved.

Smart data can:

  • Give productive insight into what is impeding progress
  • Explain in real-time why a bottleneck is occurring for prompt resolution
  • Illustrate how to resolve material waste and save money with visibility


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