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Flexible data handling options enhance chip finishing productivity in tapeout flows

A rigorous tapeout schedule plays a critical role in in IC design development. While there are many factors, design loading has a major impact on schedules because it must be performed repeatedly during IC design and verification flows. Design teams looking to condense tapeout schedules can benefit from a customized combination of layout filemerge capabilities based on their layout integration and analysis requirements. These capabilities enable design teams to improve performance during signoff to achieve faster turnaround times when optimizing IC and SoC designs for tapeout.

A customizable file merge process improves IC design flow and chip finishing productivity during chip assembly.

Despite decades of research and development, chip production still requires months of intense effort to produce manufacturable layouts. Chip finishing activities are an essential part of the final tapeout process. Performing chip finishing quickly and efficiently enables design teams to ensure their designs are optimized for manufacturing in a timely manner. One critical component of chip finishing is the file merging process that enables design teams to incorporate IP, blocks, and other design elements into a cohesive full-chip design. The Calibre DESIGNrev chip finishing platform includes multiple file merge options that can be combined to provide fast runtimes and minimize memory consumption, even for the largest and most complex designs.
