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Conquering product and regulatory complexity through collaborative design

Tempo di lettura: 10 minuti
Animated image of two colleagues collaborating in front of a desktop connected to a physician treating a patient.

Smart technology is here to stay in the medical device industry. Patients and healthcare providers needs are growing, while regulatory standards are constantly changing. Medical device manufacturers want to develop the most innovative and exciting products. However, as products become smarter, they become more complex to create and challenging to validate.

Learn more on how to fight product and regulatory complexity with collaborative design. Find out more about our Design Excellence solutions for the medical device industry.

Addressing evolving demands in the industry

In an industry that leaves no room for error, the need for increased productivity, predictability and product comprehension from medical device manufacturers is rapidly growing. Patient safety is at the forefront, and manufacturers understand that delivering safe and efficacious products in a timely manner is crucial. Companies must adopt digital tools to take their designs to the next level while remaining compliant with regulatory standards.

The future of collaborative design

There are three words to describe the future of medical device design: collaborative, comprehensive and predictive. To gain a competitive edge, companies must transform their processes and digital tools into one streamlined framework. This means cross-functional teams must collaboratively work together and not in silos. With this approach, companies will overcome increasing product complexity to deliver safe products.

Creating a comprehensive digital evidence strategy

When it comes to digital adoption, companies must ensure they are providing their teams with world-class tools that are capable of integration and intelligent communication across the entire organization. In the medical device industry, real-world simulation of products and patients is critical. The digital twin can not only model devices but also model the patient anatomy to provide accuracy and predictability. These capabilities can help predict clinical performance of a device and help reduce time and cost of clinical trials.


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