An engineer's guide to cloud-based CAD collaboration & data management
This ebook reviews those challenges and reveals the emerging cloud- based collaborative approaches and technologies that can minimize disruption during this period of ongoing product evolution. These collaboration methods provide engineers with a viable solution to ride this wave of change—while unlocking a competitive advantage.
Multi-CAD collaboration that works
Cloud-based CAD collaboration software can help organizations overcome multi-CAD data management challenges and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their product development process.
This software allows designers and engineers to open design data in a native environment, which dramatically reduces the risk of broken geometries. It also allows them to make additional design changes within their native environment from any location and using any device with an internet connection. These amended designs are associatively updated, which dramatically accelerates the entire development process.
Superior 3D modeling visualization
Cloud-based CAD collaboration is the future of product development. With today's dispersed teams, creating and shipping physical prototypes is costly, cumbersome, and impractical. Cloud-based CAD collaboration allows designers and engineers to visualize and analyze their designs remotely using augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) techniques. This saves time and money and expedites innovation across the product development cycle.
Benefits of mechanical-electrical collaboration
CAD collaboration software can help engineers from different disciplines work together on the same design in real time, improving accuracy, efficiency, and communication. This software can help to reduce the risk of errors, speed up the product development process, and improve communication between engineers.