Document technique

Enable smart manufacturing in semiconductor fabs with predictive design and process insights

Calibre Fab Insights leverages fab manufacturing history and process sequence to achieve the target yield, providing actionable and predictable data to improve cost and resource efficiency.

semiconductor fab and drawn component representing the digital twin of the fab.

As the semiconductor market continues to grow, every part of the design and manufacturing of semiconductor products needs to adopt smarter processes to meet customer demand and maximize profits. Designers need to accelerate development, manufacturers need to ramp yield quickly and maximize the efficiency of the fab, and all parts of the supply chain need to be in sync. For the semiconductor fab, this means implementing a digital twin to reduce iterations between design and production, virtually prototype and develop new processes, and quickly characterize and calibrate every piece of equipment in the fab.

Siemens, a leader in digital twin technology, offers the Calibre Fab Insights platform to help semiconductor manufacturers meet their business and sustainability goals today and into the future.

What you'll learn:

  • Why a digital twin for semiconductor fabs increase profit margins, improves yield curve, and future-proofs the manufacturing flow
  • What makes a digital twin for semiconductor fabs
  • What the goal is of a digital twin approach for IC manufacturing
  • How combining product, process, and metrology improves fab productivity
  • What digital threads are and how to use them in a digital twin

"The foundry-fabless model has allowed for efficiencies in capital investments and access to the latest manufacturing technology. However, as we approach molecular dimensions, being competitive in IC manufacturing means understanding the influence of the chip topology and being able to combine that information with simulation and automation software. This merging of product, process and metrology provides physical models that can solve many problems like tool and process drift."

- Srividya Jayaram, Author


Ressources associées

Accélérer la commercialisation de nouveaux produits en tirant parti des bons outils numériques

Accélérer la commercialisation de nouveaux produits en tirant parti des bons outils numériques

Découvrez les défis auxquels les fabricants de composants de machines et d'équipements sont confrontés, ainsi que la manière dont vous pouvez accélérer le lancement de nouveaux produits de manière plus rentable.

Commercialiser de nouveaux produits de manière plus rentable et répondre aux exigences de durabilité

Commercialiser de nouveaux produits de manière plus rentable et répondre aux exigences de durabilité

Gérez efficacement les coûts liés à l'introduction de nouveaux produits et facilitez la mise en œuvre des exigences en matière de développement durable en utilisant les bons outils numériques.

Atteindre l'excellence de la qualité pour le lancement de nouveaux produits

Atteindre l'excellence de la qualité pour le lancement de nouveaux produits

Commencez à intégrer les processus de gestion de la qualité de la conception à la fabrication. Découvrez dans cet eBook comment mettre en œuvre des processus d'amélioration de la qualité pour commercialiser de nouveaux produits.