fiche technique

Reduce costs and accelerate time to market with effective information exchange

Teamcenter Direct Materials Sourcing| Siemens

Today, supplied parts are used to make a large portion of products. Suppliers have a significant impact on an original equipment manufacturer's (OEM) ability to respond to reduced time-to-market requirements and increased cost-cutting demands.

Using the Teamcenter software direct materials sourcing solution, you can increase purchasing's influence by closely connecting its activities with product developers and other groups. Direct materials sourcing is a cloud-ready solution built on the Teamcenter product lifecycle management (PLM) framework that provides a single source of data to help you meet cost targets and get to market faster.

Download this fact sheet to learn how to use an efficient information exchange to streamline sourcing processes and reduce sourcing cycle time.

Reduce admin details and digitally manage your entire sourcing process

Your procurement professionals and sourcing teams will be freed of manual administrative details with Siemens SW Teamcenter Direct Materials Sourcing, giving them more time to focus on strategic issues that promote effective decision-making and cost savings.

By providing a rich platform to digitally manage your entire sourcing process, you can progress from basic sourcing methods such as paper-intensive procedures and time-consuming data collection and analysis techniques. In this fact sheet, you can learn more about the advantages of direct materials sourcing from Teamcenter.

Streamlined communications and event management

All communication between Teamcenter sponsors and their offline respondents can be handled through Teamcenter and an easy-to-use HTML5 web-based supplier portal. Your communications and event management are more efficient. Respondent communications are automatically initiated in conjunction with predefined and user-defined events and message board postings.


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