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Signal integrity basics

Author: John Golding

Temps de lecture : 30 minutes
In this orientation to signal integrity basics, we aim to introduce several important and fundamental concepts of signal integrity for the beginner. Most explanations are provided at a high level without a lot of depth and math, and examples are provided with a focus on comparison rather than detailed numerical results. Of course, background depth, math, and numerical details are very important and there are great resources available to help with those; however, the focus here is on orienting the reader to signal integrity basics concepts which can then be applied in practice and further study.

Additional signal integrity basics topics covered in this eBook:

  • What is signal integrity?

  • Transmission lines:

  • Termination

  • Crosstalk

  • Differential pairs

  • Vias and impairments

  • Timing

Implementing signal integrity basics

Understanding signal integrity basics is critical for engineers striving to create high-performance electronic systems. With a foundation in signal integrity basics, engineers can move forward in practice and further learning and start to implement these practices using HyperLynx Signal Integrity.
