ficha técnica

PAVE360 digital twin solution

Parallelize hardware and software co-design in the Software Defined Vehicle. Start earlier, develop faster and put a virtual car on every engineers desk.

Digital twin will help pave the way for the next generation Software Defined Vehicle. By using an open platform approach PAVE360 can integrate digital twin from multiple vendors. Whether designing an SoC, ECU, or even System of Systems, PAVE360 can adapt to each stage of the vehicle design cycle.

What are the essential elements of the Digital Twin Platform?

  • Open source platform builds Digital Twin of your system from industry standard tooling
  • PAVE360 BACKPLANE connects and synchronizes Front End and Back end
  • PAVE360 BENCH IDE configures platform, and offers analysis of in-depth system metrics
  • PAVE360 Back End offers VIRTUAL and mixed Fidelity HYBRID Digital Twin, as well as SENSOR and ACTUATOR models and interfaces to real world EXTERNAL HW
  • Common Digital Twin concept allows multiple teams to work on same Digital Twin to improve productivity


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