
Innovation through digitalization with PLM for Medical Devices

Image of male athlete running on track with prosthetic leg

With medical devices becoming more complex and regulatory oversight becoming stricter, it is difficult for manufacturers to deliver products effectively and maintain a competitive edge. However, there are always ways to improve innovation, speed to market and data quality while continuing to be compliant.

Siemens Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) for Medical Devices is an integrated end-to-end product development system that tackles complexity and regulation through re-use, context capture and collaboration. Medical device manufacturers can improve their visibility and traceability while reducing costs and compliance risks to product-competitively differentiated devices.

Benefits of PLM for Medical Devices

PLM for Medical Devices integrates across multiple disciplines to drive optimal product functionality. It is future-proofed to deliver safe, effective and compliant products as demands change. PLM for Medical Devices helps manufacturers overcome siloed processes with an integrated approach to quality-by-design

PLM for Medical Devices incorporates three key areas:

  • Design Data Management
  • Product Line Management
  • Quality Process Management

Read the ebook to learn more.


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¿Qué es el PLM? Descubra cómo comercializar productos innovadores gracias a Teamcenter X en la nube, rápido y rentable. Más información.