white paper

PCB assembly process - Benefits of using Digital Twin software

PCB assembly, electronics manufacturing smart factory

A comprehensive digital twin methodology enables the full virtualization of printed circuit board (PCB) assembly, inspection and testing processes, providing access to fully synchronized data across the enterprise. This paper outlines the reasons to develop a comprehensive digital twin, how to implement it, and the benefits that PCB designers and manufacturers can gain.

PCB DFA optimization

In electronics manufacturing, production optimization must begin in the earliest design stages in line with the principles of design for assembly (DFA). However, while PCB DFA optimization is a powerful way for manufacturers to shift-left crucial decision-making, it cannot solve all the challenges.

With industry trends such as smaller lot sizes, tighter electronic-mechanical integration requirements, and supply chain disruptions that compel production to move from region to region, a comprehensive digital twin is now a must-have. As a virtual model of both the product and production process, a digital twin allows processes to be simulated and corrected before they are implemented on the shop floor. This can dramatically improve the probability of a successful first-round batch. Ultimately, it saves time and money and enables manufacturers to meet time-to-market demands – helping preserve profitability in the face of today’s pressing challenges.

Reduce PCB faults: Shift left on PCB troubleshooting

Design and manufacturing errors can be discovered with a digital twin before the work plan is passed to the shop floor.

With this methodology, a holistic product lifecycle management (PLM) tool works with a single, unified data backbone to manage the entire manufacturing workflow. First, the mechanical and electronic designs are verified and submitted for manufacturing planning. The individual processes are then derived, simulated, and validated. At each step, errors can be identified, enabling corrections to be made to the design. This shift-left on PCB troubleshooting allows problems to be solved quickly and inexpensively. At the end of the holistic planning process, a virtually error-free execution work plan is generated for use on the shop floor.

Read this paper to learn about the digital twin for PCB assembly. Discover how, by providing access to fully synchronized data across the enterprise, a comprehensive digital twin reduces errors on the production line, improving production yields and profitability.


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