white paper

Bring the future into the factory with intelligent automation and virtual manufacturing

Reading time: 9 minutes
3D render of a future factory creating future cars using intelligent manufacturing and autonomous machines for autonomous manufacturing.

The automotive industry is reshaping faster than ever before. Technology advancements are redefining transportation from traditional mechanics to complex sustainable, entertaining, and connected mobility enabled by electronics and software. To stay relevant in this fast-changing market, automakers must revisit how they approach all aspects of product design, development, and manufacturing. In this white paper, discover the state-of-the-art manufacturing hardware and software that can intelligently turn your production lines into autonomous, self-organizing operational environments. Download now to continue reading.

Digital transformation in the auto industry is a necessity to compete in an evolving landscape

As a result of past achievements, some automakers trust that their current processes and existing manufacturing technology, data management systems, and equipment will continue to lead them to success. Perceived to be costly, time-consuming, disruptive, and risky, the evolution to intelligent manufacturing is a step these companies have not yet been willing to take. However, most automotive manufacturers today acknowledge the need for a digital transformation as a necessity to compete in today’s evolving automotive landscape. These forward-thinkers are already taking steps to become more agile and resilient while accelerating innovation, managing increased complexity, evolving manufacturing facilities to meet all sustainability and regulatory targets faster than the competition.

Improving productivity and sustainability with the introduction of intelligent automation

With significant investments in research and development for new technologies like vehicle electrification and autonomous driving, some automotive manufacturers have tried to carry on with traditional manufacturing processes and old-fashioned equipment. When continuing to do so, they will jeopardize their very existence by risking production line disruptions, failed launches, cyberattacks, and penalties for noncompliance to increasingly strict environmental regulations. By partnering with a solutions provider, automakers can decrease downtime, strengthen cybersecurity, make better real-time decisions, and introduce intelligent automation to improve productivity, flexibility, and sustainability.

Replication of production lines with a digital twin for manufacturing

With a digital twin of manufacturing, globalized automakers have the flexibility to quickly replicate production anywhere in the world. A comprehensive digital twin of the complete manufacturing process and a digital data backbone that runs through the ecosystem will facilitate flexibility and agility. It enables developing and testing manufacturing processes, configuring assembly line layouts, and training workers in a virtual world before executing them in the physical world; repeatability and fine-tuning can be achieved faster and more accurately. In addition, a centralized, cyber-secure source of real-time data made available to the entire cloud-based ecosystem facilitates knowledge sharing, standardization, production scheduling, planning, and global collaboration.

Driving factory evolution with smart modernization of production technologies

Production technology and focus on manufacturing process innovation are critical to future profitability in the automotive industry. While many automakers and suppliers recognize that they need to change to compete in today’s fast-changing automotive landscape, implementing multiple solutions across the disconnected branches of their organizations seems risky. To feel confident, they should research and adopt an intelligent manufacturing approach that can be seamlessly integrated and scaled to their organization without disrupting production.

Continue reading the white paper to discover how automakers and suppliers can modernize legacy equipment faster with rapid factory automation, make better real-time decisions with intelligent operations excellence, and achieve cost savings and flexibility with the virtual development of manufacturing.


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