white paper

Innovative UPMEM PIM-DRAM requires the innovative power integrity analysis of the mPower toolsuite

mPower’s fast runtime enabled UPMEM designers to complete multiple post-implementation power integrity analysis runs on their PIM-DRAM designs per day | screenshot of dynamic IR analysis results

UPMEM’s innovative PIM-DRAM module offers the IC industry potentially significant savings in both resource and operating costs. However, to realize market success, UPMEM had to ensure that their new module could effectively handle the power and reliability requirements the market would demand. The ability to rigorously, but easily, analyze their PIM-DRAM implementations for EM and IR drop using the mPower integrated power analysis process provided UPMEM with the confidence that their new PIM-DRAM module would deliver the power, performance, and reliability as designed.

UPMEM’s innovative PIM-DRAM design required an equally innovative power integrity analysis solution

UPMEM had to verify that the power delivery network was adequately sized and optimized. They required power analysis tools that were flexible enough to address multiple power analysis requirements, and power analysis technology that could verify combinations of functionality no one in the industry had encountered before. With the mPower power integrity analysis tools from Siemens EDA, UPMEM was able to iterate quickly through the floorplanning process, while optimizing and improving power distribution. In addition, UPMEM engineers were able to use the mPower software for static and dynamic power analysis as part of post-implementation signoff.


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