white paper

Closed-loop manufacturing for heavy equipment

Heavy equipment working in forest

If heavy equipment manufacturers want to continue to be a leader in the next decade, their digital transformation will require careful planning. Successful OEMs need to define goals and build an operational architecture that includes existing and new solutions.

Download this white paper for an overview of what manufacturers should anticipate on their heavy equipment digital transformation journey, and what they should do now to capture the advantages this new era promises.

Manufacturing operations management powers smart manufacturing

The center of the digital infrastructure is manufacturing operations management (MOM). MOM closes the loop around the virtual and physical realms. Thus, we call it the heart of closed-loop manufacturing. MOM is a holistic solution that provides full visibility into manufacturing processes so you can steadily improve performance Closed-loop manufacturing is essential for a heavy equipment manufacturing enterprise to thrive in this new era of smart manufacturing.

Manufacturing execution system (MES) controls the production process

MES is used to orchestrate and control all parts of the production process. It has been adopted consistently over the years, but because the heavy equipment manufacturing industry still takes a project-based approach vs. a platform approach, not all have jumped on board. Read this white paper to learn more about creating a technology infrastructure as all the components in the heavy equipment manufacturing ecosystem become smarter in Industry 4.0.


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