white paper

Bring automotive embedded software development in-house with Siemens

Reading time: 20 minutes
Automotive software developers working together on a laptop in a café.

The industry is moving forward with software-defined automobiles. Automotive embedded software development is moving in-house, especially if it’s associated with proprietary intellectual property (IP) and competitive features.

This white paper offers a quick glance at the various components of the AUTOSAR Classic platform, outlines the critical elements for establishing an efficient software factory, and includes definitions of all the new terminology used in the critical move toward in-house embedded software development in the automotive industry.

Manage the challenges of modern automotive E/E systems development

In today’s rapidly changing E/E embedded software development environment, OEMs must develop high-quality software with increasingly complicated interoperating functions, embracing a fast-track approach.

Traditionally, once vehicles were sold, the only way to update them was through Recall or Technical Service Bulletins at the dealer for a high cost to the OEM. Today Over-The-Air (OTA) updates enable software fixes directly to customers, cutting those costs. OTA updates require an onboard software update process and robust cybersecurity. Siemens’ technologies AUTOSAR Classic and AUTOSAR Adaptive do the job, supporting transitional automotive functionality, high-functional safety use cases, and service-oriented, high-compute functionality.

Remove repetitive tasks and eliminate manual errors with Capital VSTAR

Developers need an efficient, automated workflow that removes repetitive tasks, eliminates manual errors, and provides additional tool assistance when required to collaborate on engineering activities.

Siemens’ AUTOSAR platform, Capital VSTAR, offers an integrated software development flow as part of a full-system development environment to support collaboration, design validation, and interoperability with high automation. This saves time, improves quality, and minimizes the need for expensive hardware validation.

E/E development teams can now be empowered with the capabilities, tools, and services essential to meet evolving requirements for designing sophisticated modern vehicles now and in the future.


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