white paper

Aircraft Design with System Simulation

Model Based Design with System Simulation

There is a huge potential to improve aircraft design and engineering processes. You can conquer integration issues by front-loading systems integration testing using virtual simulation testing strategies. Model-based design captures and tracks requirements early in the process and then continues to document the requirements and check compliance throughout the entire product lifecycle.

Systems Simulation Benefits Aircraft Architecture

With an integrated model, aircraft architects can work in a collaborative system simulation environment and check the impact of system architecture choices on a total system level. They can make decisions to balance an aircraft’s energy usage and thermal system. This often affects fuel consumption. Using this system-level approach and complementing it with physical system modeling will lead to smarter decisions, better choices, and, ultimately, superior products.

Modern Aircraft Design

Model-based design with system simulation is becoming increasingly important in the field of modern aircraft development. This approach will enable engineers to accelerate the requirements definition process and design to certification-level performance. It is the best route for achieving earlier aircraft maturity and a reliable way to reroute integration issues that the industry currently faces.

Download the white paper to learn more about Siemens aircraft design software.


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