
Opcenter Execution Discrete Customer Testimonial

To stay competitive, organizations must adapt and evolve their operations into smart factories.

Robopac, a world leader in the packaging sector, recognized this trend firsthand, and took the necessary steps to transform their production process with Opcenter Execution Discrete.

Watch the video and hear the story straight from Robopac’s leadership.

By implementing a new manufacturing operation management solution, they increased production volumes, decreased production downtime, and consolidated production quality.

Robopac’s Competitive Advantage with Closed Loop Communication

Robopac used Opcenter Execution Discrete to enhance the flexibility of their production system while enabling visibility and analysis in their manufacturing process.

They achieved this thanks to closed-loop communications features within the manufacturing operation management solution.

Each workstation receives the appropriate electronic work instructions according to the order being produced, and operators sign off on any changes at the same time the quality department gets notified.

Watch the video and see how Opcenter Execution Discrete orchestrates production.

Manage an Entire Smart Factory Production Line with Greater Reactivity

Robopac noticed their customers are requesting customized products more and more, so they established the smart factory initiative to react more quickly.

They optimized each workspace using Opcenter Advanced Planning and Scheduling because it gave them full visibility of the available materials and parts.

Their added flexibility has allowed the company to more easily meet the growing demand for customized products.

Watch the video and see how Robopac has adapted to a changing market.

Change the Way You Make Strategic Decisions in Production with Opcenter Execution Discrete - MES

Opcenter Execution Discrete continually collects data during the production process, which gives users a powerful tool to keep manufacturing systems performances monitored in real-time.

This additional information enables plant managers and operators to make more informed decisions.

Watch the video to find out how the modern machine shop plans production with Opcenter Execution Discrete.


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