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Deliver product variability while remaining profitable

With a changing global landscape, heavy equipment customers are demanding more customized machines that fit their individual requirements. This trend is challenging for manufacturers who must deliver product variability while remaining profitable.

Watch this video to learn more about how a PLM solution can manage variability planning and change across the lifecycle to drive efficiencies and profits.

In addition, check out how heavy equipment manufacturer JCB uses PLM and digital twins to accelerate innovation.

Consider all variants using configuration design

Manufacturers need one common definition of variability that is easily understood by each department. This will allow manufacturers to consider all variants using configuration design with a single, consistent definition of variability.

Automatically generate documents using technical documentation

Modular document content mapped to options allows manufacturers to automatically generate publications for each variation using technical documentation.

Discover more about how a PLM solution can help you get there in an efficient way. To learn how accelerated equipment design can drive more profitability for heavy equipment manufacturers read our new ebook Accelerate at scale using product design technology.
