
MBSE For Dummies video: Part one

Estimated Watching Time: 2 minutes

Few industries fuel the human imagination as intensely as aerospace and defense. Think about the many cultural references that revolve around flight and space exploration. Consider how people around the world have been captivated by everyone from the Wright brothers to Neil Armstrong to Elon Musk.

This video is part one of a five-video series about how organizations can use model-based systems engineering (MBSE) to innovate successfully. It mirrors chapter one of MBSE For Dummies, Siemens Special Edition.

Chapter one explores the fast-changing aerospace and defense sector and its embrace of innovations that will continue to inspire the human imagination. It outlines visions for the future, factors driving change and how difficult it is to keep up with the forces of evolution and revolution.

Watch the video to learn how MBSE is propelling the industry forward as a transformational methodology.


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MBSE For Dummies

MBSE For Dummies

Now a free audiobook! MBSE For Dummies, Siemens Special Edition connects all elements in the product development life cycle. Download PDF or listen today.