
MBSE For Dummies video: Part five

Estimated Watching Time: 2 minutes

Many of today’s top aerospace companies are already reaping the benefits of model-based systems engineering (MBSE). What about your organization? What benefits can you expect?

This video is part five of a five-video series about how organizations can use MBSE to innovate successfully. It mirrors chapter five of MBSE For Dummies, Siemens Special Edition.

Chapter five focuses on the vision that materializes as you adopt MBSE across your organization. It explores what it takes to bring stakeholders on board for a successful transformation and discusses things to look for as you choose products and vendors.

Watch the video to learn how to chart your path forward with this transformational methodology.


Related resources

MBSE For Dummies video: Part one

MBSE For Dummies video: Part one

Drive innovation and efficiency to get aircraft to market in less time and at less cost. Watch the first MBSE For Dummies video to start learning how.

MBSE For Dummies

MBSE For Dummies

Now a free audiobook! MBSE For Dummies, Siemens Special Edition connects all elements in the product development life cycle. Download PDF or listen today.

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