Technical Paper

Self-aligned multi-patterning cut/block mask decomposition techniques

Design constraints for self-aligned multi-patterning cut mask placements are numerous and complex. Calibre Multi-Patterning technology provides accurate, automated cut mask generation.

Self-aligned multi-patterning (SAMP) processes require cut/block masks to define the line ends of metal target shapes, and provide the proper electrical isolation between metal target shapes. The generation of a legal and optimized cut mask is extremely complex, particularly for high-density designs. Automated multi-patterning tools that accurately address SAMP process flows, DRC constraints, and DFM optimization preferences save companies time and resources while improving results and reducing time to market. Ongoing collaboration between IMEC and Siemens EDA resulted in an innovative and comprehensive automated cut mask generation solution that provides wide-ranging benefits to both IC design companies and foundries.


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