solution brief

Digital ship construction software: The importance of planning

Reading time: 8 minutes
Digital twin of large ship

Stricter environmental/safety regulations and increasingly customized functional requirements have been driving the demand for more complex vessels. This wave of complexity is hitting the shop floor just as increased competition and rising economic uncertainty are forcing shipyards to reduce their production costs and time-to-market. Shipyards must deliver on spec, on time, and on budget. How can shipbuilders keep reducing production costs without compromising quality? Digital ship construction software enables shipbuilders to leverage digital twin technology.

Becoming a digital shipyard

Shipbuilding is a complex process. To cut costs and increase productivity without compromising quality, this process needs to be fine-tuned and, as much as possible, automated. This can be done by adopting a digital thread approach to ship construction. By leveraging digital twin technology, digital shipyards can minimize risks and inefficiencies in their current manufacturing process and turn complexity into a competitive advantage. Download our executive brief to learn more!

Software for new shipbuilding projects

For new shipbuilding projects, 80 to 90 percent of the total cost will be spent during construction. Shipbuilders can simulate the entire shipbuilding process in an integrated virtual shipyard environment before the first plates are even cut. This allows them to optimize the ship’s production sequence and minimize design changes while facilitating collaboration and cross-team synchronization.

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