
Semiconductor environmental compliance goes digital

Semiconductor environmental compliance goes digital

Environmental compliance demands nothing less than complete visibility into your product makeup, including material and substance data. Sometimes, just obtaining the essential declarations from suppliers can be the most difficult part. But now there is a digital solution.

Efficiently capture supplier declaration data

Compliance management is a necessary part of the lifecycle management of all semiconductor and electronic devices and it is designed to help you efficiently capture and manage the supplier declaration data you need:

  • By automating the process of requesting, capturing and validating supplier data to eliminate errors and reduce cycle times
  • It supports industry standards such as IPC-175x and CMRT, enabling you to read in supplier declarations efficiently
  • And it integrates with BOMcheck and IMDS supplier databases to easily gather clean, validated declaration data

Address environmental requirements

With these capabilities, you can easily capture and validate supplier declarations and automatically aggregate materials into the product BOM to grade for compliance. For a closer look at the digital edge provided by Siemens product lifecycle management software, take a look at the informative Infographic.


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