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Fact Sheet - Teamcenter Quality Audit & Assessment

Company-wide audit management requires integrating a structured system solution into quality management processes and making it accessible to all users. The rising importance of audits is setting the standard for the performance of your company’s audit system. The audit management process can provide your company with several important benefits. With an efficient audit process in place, you can identify and manage key risk factors and mitigate potential negative impacts. An effective audit analysis also allows you to identify and eliminate redundant activities to streamline processes, saving both time
and money.

Using Teamcenter® Quality software, which is part of the Siemens Xcelerator business platform of software, hardware and services, helps you support all the required quality processes in the product’s lifecycle. By using Teamcenter Quality Audit & Assessment, your company can implement a structured, clear audit management process.

Download the fact sheet to learn more.
