fact sheet

Simcenter Testlab Data Management

Capitalizing on the value of labeled NVH data with a central, open-standard database

Engineers reviewing prior NVH test data stored in a centrally located database.

In today’s digital landscape, many companies face challenges in effectively managing valuable physical test data . With data scattered across various users, systems and sites, noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) data often goes unnoticed or gets lost in the process. This lack of test data management hampers productivity at varyinglevels. Additional challenges include data misuse, search and comparison inefficiencies due to a lack of processes, fixed folder structures and basic annotations based on naming conventions. Further, since multiple users handle a wide array of data types and formats, this can lead to corrupted files and compatibility issues.

As the amount of data from physical and virtual testing campaigns increases, it is crucial to easily access, interpret, compare and trust all NVH data. Properly managing NVH data becomes even more critical with new methodologies in development, such as model-based system engineering. Moreover, the trend towards using machine learning (ML) necessitates large amounts of properly documented data.

A central, open-standard database for NVH data

Simcenter™ Testlab™ Data Management software is a centralized open-access database for storing and managing NVH test data. Read this fact sheet to learn details on how Simcenter Testlab Data Management can help you enhance collaboration through a fully integrated process to annotate, search, create reports and maintain traceability for all of your NVH testing data.


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